Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook Live Series
Join us for a 12 part Facebook Live series! Starting on January 12, tune in on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12 pm through 2022 for a conversation with Beth Tomlinson and a rotating expert. Check out the full schedule below!
Trauma Intro - January 12
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE, speaker Dr. Christopher Liang, Chairperson for the Department of Education and Human Services at Lehigh University and a professor of counseling psychology, will discuss:
- Toxic stress
- How toxic stress impacts the brain and body
- What we can do about toxic stress and its impact
- Keys to healing and building resilient families

Promoting Community Healing - February 9
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE, speaker Dr. Hasshan Batts, Executive Director at Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley, will discuss:
- How to be anti-racist
- What community trauma is
- How he is promoting community healing through Promise Neighborhoods
- What others can do to create an anti-racist Lehigh Valley

Unhealthy Vs. Healthy Relationships - March 9
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE, a representative from Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, will discuss:
- Characteristics of an unhealthy relationships
- How trauma is unique to women
- How to teach girls and boys signs of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships
- What self agency is and how to utilize it

Child Abuse Awareness Month - April 13
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- Parental stress
- ACEs: what they are and why they're important
- Toxic stress: what it is and what happens when it comes out in unhealthy ways
- What we can do about toxic stress and the available resources

Mental Health Awareness Month - May 11
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- How common mental health struggles are
- How to recognize the signs and learn how to talk about your feelings
- How to get the appropriate help

PRIDE Month - June 8
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- How we can normalize LGBTQIA language
- What harmful messages or words might we still be using and how to correct and/or catch ourselves

Family Wellness - July 13
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE, guest speaker Winston Alozie, Chief Executive Officer at the Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem, will discuss:
- The 7 positive childhood experiences: what they are and why they're important)
- Positive youth development
- The importance of SEL and protective factors
- How to connect with local resources

Transitioning Back to School - August 10
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE, guest speaker Vivian Robledo-Shorey, Director of Student Services and Minority Affairs for the Bethlehem Area School District, will discuss:
- Social anxiety
- Academic pressure
- Strategies around resistance to children returning to school
- What resources are available at the school
- How to advocate for your child

Suicide Prevention Month - September 14
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- How to talk to your kids about suicide and feelings of hopelessness
- How to recognize signs and symptoms

National Substance Abuse Month - October 12
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- How to recognize signs of substance abuse in kids and family members
- When substance abuse is an issue and how to talk about it
- How to connect to help

Intergenerational Trauma, Epigenetics - November 9
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- Groups whom have been greatly affected by intergenerational trauma: like Holocaust and Indigenous Peoples
- What effect that has had on future generations

Holiday Stress - December 14
During this Resilient Lehigh Valley Facebook LIVE a guest speaker will discuss:
- The different types of stressors during this time that may arise: family stress, financial stress, mental health struggles
- Practical tools that can be used to decrease holiday stress